Key Logistics Data:
Combined transportation to Azerbaijan and Georgia of Crawled Pipe layers, side booms, Bending Machines and Various materials.
Total Packages 87, Total weight 1975.10 ton, 4400 CBM.
Place of loading:
Khalid Port, Sharjah (Saipem berth)
Place of delivery:
Mugan Pipe Yard, Azerbaijan. / Rustavi Pipe Yard, Georgia.
Scope of Work:
Ocean freight Liner in, Sharjah – Free out, Poti. Unloading from BB vessel and loading onto special low beds/flat beds/hydraulic trailers, lashing and securing, Supervising stevedoring operations, examining of cargo condition, OOG calculations for road special permits, Authorization of road permissions and escort service, delivery up to final destinations at GE/AZ job sites.